sweet man
very nice dude, but you still need to watch the proportions of your characters. In some parts they were a bit off. The fighting was very nice, and the muay tai guy is nice animated.
Overal, great job, 4/5
sweet man
very nice dude, but you still need to watch the proportions of your characters. In some parts they were a bit off. The fighting was very nice, and the muay tai guy is nice animated.
Overal, great job, 4/5
nice man
heh, nice work man. Its good to see some new flash work from ya.
oh and to andirooz:
the FULL clip is 16minutes. Sketch's movie only used a fragment from the clip.
Thanks for dropping a line, buddy. :D
ive been a fan for ages.....but will you actualy finish this one? All your movies are trailors dude. You have some awesome animation and art skills, why not stick to one thing? You could produce somthing realy great.
I didnt like the tweening of the arms and such, i realy like your fbf alot better, like in yzarc falls. The snow and settings were drawn well and the music fit very nicely. The opening scene gave the effect of mystery and the unknown, nicely done. One thing i didnt like was the background for that fight scene at the end, it was just kind of a blurry forost thing. Its hard to animated a moving background in a fight scene, but it would make the aniamtion look a whole lot better.
I hope you see this one through dude. Good Luck with it. You get a 4 from me.
pretty nice
im a fan of CU and this was a great addition to the series. One thing ive noticed though, is your voice acting is extremely laboured. Like when they are trying to be angry or loud, they are still quite silent. If you put just a little more enthusiasm into your voice, this series would be sooo much cooler.
great job either way. I cant wait for the next one.
heh just a note guys
this was not mean to be shown on newgrounds, or anywhere in fact. It was just a little fun that we had, so most people didnt put all that they could into their drawings. (ie: me haha)
Glad some people like it at least ^_^
Age 37, Male
Indie Game Designer
a little more cake
Joined on 5/18/03