So it's out in the wild, people love it, people hate it, all is well in the universe.
One thing I learned from all this is to test your game on as many people as possible! Even with 6 people testing Barbarian Bob, I still didn't manage to find all the bugs. Luckily people are patient enough to catalogue the bugs they find in the comments, which means I can easily compile all the most common problems and sort them out accordingly.
The music seems to be a love or hate deal. Quite a few people think it's repetitive and annoying, while others think the tracks are great. While I respect the opinions of those who don't like it, I have to say I think the music is awesome. My friend custom made the tracks, and they rock, so deal with it! ;D
I'll be constantly updating the game and checking for new bugs over the next couple of days, so please be sure to let me know if anything weird happens while you are playing.
Thanks everyone!
I dont care what anyone says SS , Barbarian Bob is my favorite barbarian and favorite flash game series of all time!
Thanks man!